The School of Happiness

Rongghor is an open school that complements formal education with a core belief in children’s happiness as a precursor to success.


“Decades of research have shown that happiness is not the outcome of success but rather its precursor.”

– The Happiness Track, Emma Seppälä

"Take only memories, leave only footprints."
Village tour, July 2022.
"We tell ourselves stories in order to live."
Storytelling sessions.
“The beauty is not in the colors, but in their harmony.”
Photography workshop, July 2022.
"Elementary, my dear Watson."
Movie screening.
"Everything you can imagine is real."
Independence day exhibition, 2022.
"Know thyself."
Parents meet, 2022.
"So many books, so little time."

School library.

"The bonfire is calling and I must go."

What do you talk about in winter?

"Where there is cake, there is hope."

Here's to celebrating the differences.

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We’re on a mission…

In a country where the Vedas and Upanishads were once the main source of textbooks and the values ​​of life were taught in gurukuls, childhood is being robbed in the name of education. Today’s overwhelmingly large education system has taken a toll on children, while ignoring life’s most essential skills and lessons. At such a juncture, Rongghor is on a mission to revive the old principles of imparting education, while keeping the children happy and motivated.

A brain well-formed is better than 20 brains well-filled.

Our courses & activities


Yoga, meditation & spirituality

Improves physical fitness, reduces stress, develops peaceful state of mind, and builds self-awareness.



Develops memory, concentration,
motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and improves quick decision making skills.



Improves concentration, memory, tactics, logical thinking, and develops the ability to think ahead. 


Computer programming

Greatly improves problem solving and thinking skills: logical, critical, algorithmic and creative.


Personality development

Develops confidence, communication skills, leadership qualities and teaches the art of persuasion.


Fine art

Drawing promotes children’s creativity, imagination, and self-expression, fostering essential cognitive and fine motor skill development.



Dancing benefits kids by enhancing coordination, balance, and flexibility while encouraging physical activity in an enjoyable and expressive way.


Financial education

Financial education for kids instills crucial money management skills, fostering responsible spending habits and a sense of financial literacy from an early age.


Group activities

Develops communication skills,
self-esteem, leadership qualities, teaches empathy and encouragement.

Practical Financial Education.

Rongghor Samriddhi project, in collaboration with UCO Bank, is an initiative to teach children the importance of savings in life. It seeks to motivate children to save up, one coin at a time.



To share. Connect. Create. Inspire.

Dakhinpat Satra

Dakhinpat Satra

শিৰতে থাপিলোঁ শংকৰ শিৰোমণিকণ্ঠতে থাপিলোঁ নাম ।হৃদয়ত থাপিলোঁ দুয়ো জনা গুৰুযেতিয়াই বিচাৰো পাম।।Satras are the cultural and spiritual institutions established by Srimanta Sankardev and his disciples to spread neo-vaishnava dharma or Eksaran nam dharma in the 15th...

Adopting a Minimilistic Lifestyle

Adopting a Minimilistic Lifestyle

In the century of technology being a superpower, we as humans have always tried to develop in something or the other in every possible way. As we grow, we have almost forgotten how to live a healthy lifestyle, especially a minimalistic lifestyle. Here arises the...

Tears of joy in summer

Tears of joy in summer

Outside the window I see tiny drops of water from the above like tears of a broken heart with a dark mien across the sky I close the curtains and pin my ears on the wall to hear the drips and drops of the dewdrops falling from heaven above my head I hear a soft rhythm...

The best place I have ever seen

The best place I have ever seen

It was 3:30pm, on Saturday and the 7th day of Durga Puja.Before revealing this place first I want to give a hint to you.It is a state that has lots of city titles.If you are thinking about Rajasthan  you are right.Before talking about this state first we should talk...

Sadness of losing childhood

Sadness of losing childhood

Everyone loves their childhood and how cool  was that. We have no pressure of studies, what you want you can do freely, you can play any time. And whenever our summer vacation starts maternal grand parents are ready to welcome us. Did you remember the grandmothers...


Inspirations from the Influential

আজিৰ এই অনুষ্ঠানত থাকি বৰ ভাল লাগিল । শিশু বোৰে সুন্দৰ ভাবে প্ৰতিভা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিলে ।

আপোনালৈ শুভেচ্ছাৰে,

Kuladhar Saikia

Retired DGP, Assam Police | Former President, Asom Sahitya Sabha

ৰংঘৰত শিশু, চেমনীয়া সকলৰ লগত ৰং কৰি কথা পাতি, তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰতিভা দেখি অভিভূত হ’লোঁ । ৰংঘৰৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠাপকে লোৱা কাৰ্য্যত শিশু সকলৰ মন, প্ৰতিভা উত্তৰণত সহায় হ’ব | বৰ ভাল লাগিল, ৰংঘৰৰ লগৰী হ’বলৈ পাই বৰ আনন্দিত |

Manjula Hazarika

Secretary, Bhupen Hazarika Cultural Trust

ব্যতিক্ৰম ধৰ্মী এক মহান অনুষ্ঠান যাৰ দ্বাৰা জ্ঞান বিজ্ঞানৰ মাজেৰে আমাৰ শিশুসকলক প্ৰজ্ঞাৰ দিশলৈ নিয়া হৈছে । আমাৰ শুভেচ্ছা সদায় থাকিব ।

Banshidhar Kalita

Former Deputy Director of Agriculture, Govt. of Assam

Entering the precincts of “Rongghor –School of happiness”. I felt a sense of peace and joy. The atmosphere of the school is indeed very serene and gives off an aura of being in a “gururkul”. My sincere thanks to the founder of the school with a difference giving a safe space for the little children to have their talent. I am sure the school will be instrumental in producing all rounded personalities and persons with “humaneness”, something that has become very critical todays world filled with materialism.

Sita Baruah

DGM (CC & CSR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited

ৰংঘৰ হৈ পৰিছে হৃদয়ৰ ঘৰ,

ৰংঘৰৰ বাকৰিত সত্য-শিৱ-সুন্দৰৰ আৰাধনা,

এই আৰাধনাই আমাৰ আকুলতা – আমাৰ নিৰন্তৰ কামনা,

চিৰশাশ্বত প্ৰাৰ্থনা –

প্ৰাৰ্থনাৰ জয় জয় ময় ময়

আস্থা-বিশ্বাসৰ অবিৰত যাত্ৰা

সন্মুখত অপাৰ দিগন্ত

Ashim Krishna Baruah

Eminent actor, Teacher

অনন্য অনুভৱ | ৰংঘৰে সকলোৰে মনৰ ৰংবোৰ বিচ্ছুৰিত কৰক | আমাৰ ভৱিষ্যত সকল নতুন ৰঙেৰে উজলি উঠক | আজি এই অনুষ্ঠানৰ অংশীদাৰ হ’বলৈ পাই নিজকে ধন্য মানিছোঁ |

Ranjumoni Mahanta

Academic officer, SEBA

Rongghor- The school of happiness is truly a place where I feel anyone who would spend some time will surely feel happy. The ambiance, the people here everything is perfect, this place is best to foster learning. All the kids here are being trained to be a better human rather than forcing them to follow a strict routine to get better marks in exams.

Reepjyoti Deka

Co-founder of Xeta labs, AORVIS | Ex KPMG

‘ৰংঘৰ’ – নামেই যাৰ পৰিচয় । ইতিহাসৰ পাতত ৰংঘৰৰ এক সুকীয়া পৰিচয় আছে । এই ৰংঘৰেও বহু শিশুৰ জীৱন গঢ় দিব । এই শিশুৱেই ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ ভৱিষ্যত নিৰ্মাণ কৰিব । ৰাষ্ট্ৰ নিৰ্মাণৰ বাবে ব্যক্তি নিৰ্মাণ চলি আছে ।

Bikash Goswami

Entrepreneur | Secretary, All Assam Yogasana Association

“Rongghor- school of Happiness”- True to its name, it is a place full of colors & happiness. The quiet and beautiful environment of this place is admirable. I am sure it helps in the overall learning of the talented children. Very nice to see the many talents of all the young children. I wish great success to Rongghor. I hope it reaches the heights it deserves.

Nevica Baruah

Dentist, Assam Cancer Care Foundation

“ৰংঘৰ” – এই শব্দটোক প্ৰায়েই আৰম্ভ হয় আমাৰ ৰংঘৰ খেলা, অসমৰ আন এটা পৰিচয়, ঐতিহাসিক ৰংঘৰেই আদৰে বহু অতিথি, পৰ্যটক – এইটো আশা লৈয়ে জীয়াই আছে আমাৰ এটা ক্ষেত্ৰ । আশাই জীৱন । আশা কৰিছোঁ এই ৰংঘৰে এদিন শিৱসাগৰৰ ঐতিহাসিক ৰংঘৰৰ দৰেই উজ্জীৱিত হৈ উঠক ।

Joyshree Chetia

Journalist, Asomiya Pratidin

It was a lovely Sunday. I had a wonderful time. Happy to see the eagerness among the children and their hunger for knowledge. They are very smart and confident. Wishing them all the very best!
with love,

Baishali Raj Kakoti


শিশুৰ শৈক্ষিক, মানসিক আৰু বৌদ্ধিক বিকাশৰ এক ব্যতিক্ৰমী অনুষ্ঠান “ৰংঘৰ”ৰ উজ্জ্বল ভৱিষ্যত কামনা কৰিলোঁ ।

Gokul Talukdar

Journalist, Dainik Asam

ৰংঘৰৰ সকলো শিল্পীলৈ আমাৰ প্ৰীতি সম্বৰ্ধনা জনালোঁ। গুৱাহাটী মহানগৰৰ দাঁতিকাষৰীয়া অঞ্চলত এনে এটা অনুষ্ঠান প্ৰত্যক্ষ কৰি আমি যথেষ্ট আনন্দিত হ’লোঁ । শিশুসকলৰ উন্নত ভৱিষ্যতৰ লগতে ৰংঘৰৰ উত্তৰোত্তৰ কামনাৰে,

Rumi Sarma Borthakur

আজি আবেলি ৪:৪৫ বজাত ৰংঘৰ বাকৰিত অংশ গ্ৰহণ কৰাৰ ভাবে আহিছিলো । লগত আমাৰ ঘৰত থকা পঞ্চম শ্ৰেণীৰ ছাত্ৰী হাজিৰণ বেগম (মাইনা) আছিল । ১৮ জন ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী । ছাত্ৰী দুগৰাকী । তেওঁলোকৰ দবা খেলৰ নিয়মাৱলী ইন্দ্ৰনীল, কাব্যনীলে পৰিচালনা কৰিছিল । আমি অহাৰ সময়তে গীতানগৰ অঞ্চলত থকা তিনিগৰাকী শিক্ষয়িত্ৰী ৰংঘৰ অনুষ্ঠানৰ বিষয়ে জনাৰ বাবে আহিছিল । বন্ধু হৰিপ্ৰসাদ তালুকাৰদেৱে “ৰংঘৰ” আঁচনিৰ সম্পৰ্কত ব্যাখ্যা আগবঢ়ালে । তেওঁলোকৰ ভৱিষ্যতৰ যি পৰিকল্পনা গ্ৰহণ কৰিছে, সেইয়া সফল হওঁক তাৰে কামনা কৰিলোঁ । এই সৎ উদ্দেশ্য, বিশেষকৈ নতুন প্ৰজন্মৰ মাজত গঢ়ি উঠক, আগবাঢ়ক আৰু বাস্তৱত সফল হওঁক এইয়া গভীৰভাৱে আশা কৰিলোঁ । আমাৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা আৰু অভিনন্দন জ্ঞাপন কৰিলোঁ ।

Saifuddin Ahmed

Retired journalist, The Assam Tribune

ৰংঘৰৰ ভিতৰ সোমাই মনটো আনন্দেৰে ভৰি পৰিল । কণমানিহঁতে সুন্দৰকৈ ওংকাৰ ধ্বনিৰে অভিবাদন জনালে । অভিভূত হ’লোঁ তেওঁলোকৰ সম্ভাষণত । নিজৰ ইচ্ছাৰে খেলিছে, যোগ-ব্যায়াম কৰিছে , ছবি আঁকা শিকিছে । “শান্তিনিকেতন”ৰ যেন ছাঁ পৰিছে ৰংঘৰত । এই ৰংঘৰ খন ভৱিষ্যতে “শান্তিনিকেতন” হৈ গঢ়ি উঠক । তাৰেই কামনাৰে, উদ্যোক্তা সকলৰ উদ্যোগৰ শলাগ ল’লোঁ ।

Rumi Talukdar

‘ৰংঘৰ’ এখন সপোনৰ জীৱন্ত স্থল।

পৃথিৱীৰ সকলো দিশে পৰিস্ফুট হৈ থাকক।

Bhaswati Kalita

Anchor, All India Radio

On the 82nd foundation day of UCO Bank, team Silpukhuri branch and I got invited to Rongghor, managed by founder and principal shri Hari Prasad Talukdar. Delighted to know that the institute teaches in non-conventional ways. I too interacted with the students, and it has been a blessing. A small program of sapling tree plantation was done successfully today in the interest of UCO bank’s foundation day.

I wish Rongghor team and students all the very best in future endeavors.

Khushi Pienyu

Zonal head, UCO Bank

ৰংঘৰত শিশুৰ সপোনে পাখি মেলক।

আকাশ চুবলৈ শিকক।

Jintirani Deka

Anchor, All India Radio

ৰংঘৰ বৰ সুন্দৰ অনুষ্ঠান । ৰংঘৰ এটা সংস্কাৰৰ নাম । এই অনুষ্ঠান সৈতে জড়িত সকলো কণ কণ ল’ৰা-ছোৱালীৰ মন সংস্কাৰী হওঁক, সংস্কৃতিবান হওঁক । তাৰেই কামনা কৰিলোঁ ।

Jadumoni Saikia

Journalist, Pratidin Time

It’s so heartwarming to see such beautiful children peacefully engaging in development activities with love and harmony. It inspires us adults to learn from them. Big applause to Rongghor for working selflessly for the future of the children.

Sumanjit Naz

Zonal office Silpukhuri, UCO Bank

A Word

From Our Principal

How many of us tell our children to love the beautiful moon in the night sky, see the stars that shine at us, listen to the fairy tales sitting next to their grandparents or encourage our children to do what they love doing? These thoughts have lost their importance in the hustle and bustle of modern life. Children have become machines and the joy of childhood, the happiness of life has been lost. Therefore at Rongghor, I am dedicated of teaching students to discover themselves and their passions, while keeping them happy and motivated through good habit formation techniques, increased interest in reading, improvement of physical, mental health and spiritual practices. It is our responsibility to make childhood enjoyable. We look forward to your help in this journey.”

– Yogabid Hariprasad Talukdar