Time and The Vedas

Time and The Vedas

श्रीभगवानुवाच |कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धोलोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त: |ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वेयेऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: || 32|| The supreme lord said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and have come here to destroy all people. With the...
Do not criticise your porblems

Do not criticise your porblems

Each one of us come across problems in our lives. Some might be big, some might be small. They are a part of our lives and only handful of people know how to deal it. Why is it so? .This is only because we humans complain about our problem we face and criticise...
The Aura of Nature

The Aura of Nature

  Look around and sense, the appealing beauty around you  Where hearts meet and reminds of spring:   Where flowers bloom and the pleasant wind, mingles around oneself Where birds chirp and are lost, in their own world:   With the smell of blossom and buzzing...
Life in a Long Run

Life in a Long Run

Materialism is the need or desire to achieve material things. Man has always desired to achieve something in life especially material wealth like money, fame, etc.Gautama Buddha himself said that the desires of men are never ending and if he fulfils one another desire...