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Dakhinpat Satra
শিৰতে থাপিলোঁ শংকৰ শিৰোমণিকণ্ঠতে থাপিলোঁ নাম ।হৃদয়ত থাপিলোঁ দুয়ো জনা গুৰুযেতিয়াই বিচাৰো পাম।।Satras are the cultural and spiritual institutions established by Srimanta Sankardev and his disciples to spread neo-vaishnava dharma or Eksaran nam dharma in the 15th...
Adopting a Minimilistic Lifestyle
In the century of technology being a superpower, we as humans have always tried to develop in something or the other in every possible way. As we grow, we have almost forgotten how to live a healthy lifestyle, especially a minimalistic lifestyle. Here arises the...
Tears of joy in summer
Outside the window I see tiny drops of water from the above like tears of a broken heart with a dark mien across the sky I close the curtains and pin my ears on the wall to hear the drips and drops of the dewdrops falling from heaven above my head I hear a soft rhythm...
The best place I have ever seen
It was 3:30pm, on Saturday and the 7th day of Durga Puja.Before revealing this place first I want to give a hint to you.It is a state that has lots of city titles.If you are thinking about Rajasthan you are right.Before talking about this state first we should talk...
My experience with Sir Srinath Tirumale Venugopal
On 11th April at around 12 p.m we gathered at the scout and guide headquarters guwahati to welcome our honourable sir Srinath Tirumale Venugopal, a former regional director of the world scout bureau Eurasia who came to assam all the way from Italy to visit us. He was...
Sadness of losing childhood
Everyone loves their childhood and how cool was that. We have no pressure of studies, what you want you can do freely, you can play any time. And whenever our summer vacation starts maternal grand parents are ready to welcome us. Did you remember the grandmothers...
Decoding the history of the fortress of fire – Agnigarh
The Agnigarh is an archaeological and geographical site which lies in the heart of Tezpur along the banks of the mighty river Brahmaputra in Assam. The name itself quotes it's meaning. Agni means fire and garh means wall or fortress. According to Hindu mythology, the...
Embracing ideas of leadership with the Bhagavad Gita
Lord krsna’s Gita is a narrative framework of a dialogue between prince Arjun and his charioteer Krsna who is an avatar of Lord Vishnu on the battlefield of Kurukshetra where Arjun turns to lord krsna for guidance. The invention or composition is traditionally...
Time and The Vedas
श्रीभगवानुवाच |कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धोलोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त: |ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वेयेऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: || 32|| The supreme lord said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and have come here to destroy all people. With the...
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